When Narcissism Comes to...Church Doctrine (Part 1 - Introduction)
(v. 2)Narcissism is not merely a psychological phenomenon. It's a theological one, too. It concerns how we speak of and participate in God's life. In the coming blog posts, I'm going to highlight how this impacts key doctrines and themes that are often used and abused by narcissists, especially narcissistic pastors, for the sake of their self-protective strategies. This in turn leads to what I often call the "narcissistic debris field" in churches and among Christians who once trusted their unassailable leader, but now question faith and wonder about God's goodness.I may not get to everything I'd like to get to, and I want to save some of this as further content for the book I'm writing (When Narcissism Comes to Church). But I'd love to hear how you resonate with the themes I present. How have you seen this play out? What are ways you've seen theology used and abused? Offer your thoughts in the comments section or via email.This is not intended as a criticism of any particular doctrine - that would make for a much longer essay, and one I may not be qualified to write. It is to ask the questions: how do our psychological needs lead us into particular doctrinal stances? How do our self-protective strategies prompt us to re-frame doctrines? How might we become more reflective about our theology, not less, in pursuit of psychological health?So, let's first summarize the biggies, and I'll go into more detail as I can in the next few weeks.A theology of sin - It may be ironic that pastors, churches and denominations that claim "a high doctrine of sin" often protect, hide, and defend the sinner. I may see this more because of my familiarity with and work within Reformed contexts, but I've never seen a high doctrine of sin jettisoned more quickly than when a narcissistic pastor's reputation is on the line. Sure, the doctrine comes in handy when the elders are tracking down folks having premarital sex or preparing their statements on homosexuality. But quite miraculously, the get-out-of-jail Grace Card seems readily available to the charismatic, grandiose, and inspiring leader who...well...probably just had a bad day. More often than not, I see sin reduced to bad behavior/actions. Sin is something he did wrong (but, of course, he repented and all is well...more on that to come). They do not see sin as a complex matrix of motivations, attitudes, and actions which are rooted in hiding, self-protection and self-preservation (Gen. 3), requiring a deep commitment to self-understanding over a long period of time. They do not have categories for psychopathology (Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, etc) which are deeply resistant to change, constantly morphing into new shapes and identities, and requiring long-term care. Picture an iceberg where only a small shard of ice is visible above the waterline. This is the sin they treat, ignoring the massive mountain of ice beneath. And in so doing, the debris field of damage within and without is ignored.Repentance - A shallow view of sin leads to a shallow repentance. Shallow repentance looks like admitting the troubling behavior and committing to not doing it again - case closed. And thus, shallow repentance leads to quick restoration. After all, who wouldn't believe the sincerity of a pastor who preaches so wonderfully and charismatically, and who has influenced so many? Shallow repentance can look like blame dressed in the garments of personal responsibility - "I'm really sorry that hurt you." Shallow repentance can also look 'raw and honest', at times - see my blog on fauxnerability. It can be accompanied by words that seem spiritual - "Saul lifted up his voice and wept...I have sinned" (see 1 Sam 24; Matt. 7:3). But it's another manifestation of narcissism's grandiosity and incapacity to connect with the true self. It is repentance as self-preservation, not as confession "with grief and hatred of one's sin," as the old Puritan once put it. And narcissists do this really well! Even more, shallow repentance only repents of the above-the-waterline behaviors, for looking beneath is harder, more timely, and would likely reveal a depth of deceit within that he doesn't want to see. (PS: Notice how quickly these pastors demonize therapists, and switch from one to another in order to find one who will collude.)Forgiveness - All of this (above) leads to an expectation that the narcissist and/or abuser will be forgiven (which also means restored). In this, the burden quickly switches from abuser to victim, as anyone impacted is asked to forgive quickly and fully out of a spiritual duty. Anything less than full forgiveness is narrated as angry, petty, grudge-holding, and un-spiritual. Within this is a pitifully vacuous theology of Grace - again, grace as a get-out-of-jail-free card. Ah yes, it's dressed up in pretty words like Wild, Lavish, Unconditional, Prodigious, and more. However, if you've done hours of interviews with staff members like I have who've worked under these Grace-preaching folks, it's not pretty at all, as they will tell vastly similar stories of abuse, gaslighting, rage, manipulation, deceit, addiction, and more. Grace extended to one who is diagnosably narcissistic is indeed a reminder of God's lavish love for every broken sinner, but is made manifest in a careful and loving process geared to each particular situation, and with expert clinical consultation.Sanctification - I'll need to do some more work around this, but I have a theory that Protestantism's centuries-long failure of imagination for sanctification has led to a tragic fissure between doctrine and life, manifesting in moralism/legalism (sanctification as law-keeping) on the one end and libertinism on the other (sanctification as enjoying your get-out-of-jail-free card). I think that one of the many reasons I and others have gravitated toward the larger tradition (Catholic and Orthodox spirituality) is for a more rich imagination for spiritual maturation, for character, for discipleship - theosis! I think that one of the reasons we see narcissism so embedded in evangelicalism, from the evangelical love-affair with Trump to our obsession with grandiose pulpiteers, is because we lack a substantial spiritual theology with implications and practices for becoming more fully human. We've given this over to the therapeutic community, detached from the church, which privatizes the whole thing. I'll have much more to say on this, I suspect.Guilt and Shame - We also have an inadequate understanding of the theological and psychological dynamics of guilt and shame. I have a working theory that narcissistic pastors are driven by shame (which, of course, they don't see) but obsessed with guilt (which weighs on them mightily, leading them to preach against it with their Audacious, Robust theologies of Grace). Often, their theologies are adopted in service of quieting the devastatingly loud voice of shame within, which they misinterpret as guilt, leading to the adoption of overly juridicial atonement theories. Because they dismiss guilt as a manifestation of the law, they fail to develop a mature conscience, and this emotional stuntedness appears in secret battles with addictions (sex/porn, alcohol, nicotine, etc.) and an incapacity to relate healthily. They don't realize that their real battle is with shame, which also exists beneath that behavioral waterline, and which drives their compensatory, grandiose, empathy-deficient false self. Every single narcissistic pastor I've seen shows up strikingly in a pulpit, but is stuck at a much younger emotional/developmental age in a way that creates a damaging debris field. The process of growth takes a lot of time, which makes me wonder about these quick turnarounds I'm seeing among recently scandalized pastors. Note: I'm writing for the community I know best, but I've seen shame-fueled NPD manifest in the theological constructs of Pentecostals and Progressives, Episcopalians and Emergent.Ecclesiology - I've seen the most narcissism in contexts of church plants, non-denominational networks, and low-church settings. Yes, I've seen it among high-church Catholic priests I've seen, too. But more often than not, those with NPD like the freedom of starting something new (which means building their own leadership team, where power dynamics and inadequate training come into play). They like networks where structures are loose, polity is underdeveloped, seminary ed isn't required, and accountability is low. They like the freedom and flexibility of creating worship experiences that center on the personality and sermon of the preacher. If they are grandiose and charismatic enough, they can and will find their way into more accountable settings, but they'll use their power and ecclesial protectors to shield them from real accountability.God's Sovereignty - Often, shame-based narcissistic pastors will adopt an overly transcendent and distant theology of God. The God who "holds one over the pit of hell as a spider" (not implying Edwards was a narcissist, btw) is a theology that actually reveals
one's psychology, one's view of himself at the depths. But out of touch with his shame, he externalizes his self-deprecation in a theology that has a "theoretically" high view of sin (see above) and an overly transcendent view of God that distances himself from real vulnerability, with God and others. The last part of the last sentence is loaded, and requires unpacking, which I don't have the space to do here. But a narcissist is incapable of real vulnerability, and an intimate encounter with Jesus requires it. With anyone I've ever worked with who is diagnosably narcissistic and has, with lots of time and therapy, grown into self-awareness and maturation, there will be an inevitable question they have about whether or not they ever knew God. (I'll remind them that God is so kind that he has always known them and never left them...it was they who, addicted to the false self, lived apart from God). Note: what psychological needs might an overly immanent picture of God emerge from?OK, that's a start. There is so much more ground to cover. What about a theology of gender? A theology of divorce and marriage? A theology of victimization? What else?...let me know! I wanted to begin with the big categories.Ultimately, this is a challenge to mature theologically, as well! With John Calvin and Augustine, I believe that self-knowledge is a prerequisite for any healthy God-talk. When theology and psychology become friends, wonderful things happen. I could name a number of more recent books by theologians that are beautifully self-reflective. How does this post invite you to reflect more carefully on your own theology? How does the theological tradition you are in reflect your own psychological needs or dispositions? What about this post connected with you, and needs further reflection on your part?